Conversion Process - Electrical - Mark 2 batteries and second battery rack - Page 1.....
As mentioned in the Battery Dilemma section of this site, the original design for MightyboyEV centred around using Li-ion cell technology.
Currently this technology is too expensive to implement in this project, hopefully when the world financial situation improves
and usage of these batteries becomes more common then they will become more affordable.
Until then I will be using Power Sonic PG-12V103 AGM SLA batteries (Spec sheet actually quotes these as 111Ah).
These batteries weight 31.8 kg and measure 330mm(L) x 173mm(W) x 220mm(H)
The original Li-Ion battery enclosure and PVC box will be stored for future use and a new battery holder fabricated to accommodate the AGM batteries
Just over 8 Kwh but 191 kg!! - NOT good....
Very poor technology compared to Li-Ion cells but what affordable choices are there?
The new battery holder....
And thanks goes to my workmate Dick for helping design a very simple light assembly
AND also for his 110% welding skills - much better then my efforts!
Cleaning up the rack for powder coating.....
Test fitting in the Ute tray.....
Another plate will be required to cover the hole made for the first Li-ion rack.
I have moved the new battery rack as far forward as possible to try and keep as much weight as possible in front of the rear axle.
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