Conversion Process - Electrical - It works!
Yes, the big day has come.....
All control and essential dash wiring is now complete
And it turns these little wheels a treat....
(All tests to-date are done with the car on safety stands driving the transaxles in fourth gear)
Keep in mind that you are playing with a series DC motor - If unfamiliar with these motors take care in running them with no load and full battery pack voltages
Notable things:;
No vibration detectable anywhere
No temperature rise - 10 min test with motor @ 1600rpm - 12 amps
No controller whine (Wow not like my old Curtis!!)
No RFI (the old AM Radio test)
Half speed reverse seems good
All warning lights functioning 100%
Un-notable things:
Really only one..... Should have bench tested the damm 72 volt Ceramic Heater!!! I used all segments (paralleled for maximum heat out - seemed logical at the time) and the cold resistance ended up being much lower then I estimated. Hence upon first cold switch on the 30 Amp fuse blow big time and damaged the 40 Amp Mosfet SSR (now a piece of wire). So that has just cost me about $120.