Let it start.....
Finding a suitable donor Mighty Boy proved very easy given the relatively few every exported to Australia. A chap I work with had a Mighty Boy for several years but unfortunately traded it on a new vehicle shortly before I had a chance to make him an offer he couldn't refuse. In lamenting my said story at morning coffee one day, another work mate said his friend had also just sold one and offered to phone the chap to find out what price he received for the car. As it turns out, the person defaulted on paying for the Mighty Boy and the sale never went ahead. Within minutes my friend and I were kicking Mighty Boy tyres and a deal was struck! The reason for selling the little beauty was interesting. The person selling the car worked half time as a male nurse and half time as a sales rep selling colostomy bags. The company he worked for was recently bought out by another company and the new management decided a rep driving a Might Boy ute did not suit the company image (boy some companies get it wrong!!). Anyway it was my win (I think?) and we arrange a suitable point in time that I would pick up the vehicle. I was in no rush because the next step was getting my conversion plans submitted and approved by the Motor Registration authorities in South Australia. This all went well and the little Mighty Boy was pickup and driven happily home on the 20th of July 2008.
Coming through.....
Around here....
And here....
Across the rear lawn....
Last pollution from this baby!
A happy boy with the new Mighty Boy....
Straight to the shed....
And rip into it!