Conversion Process - Mechanical - Motor Coupler - Page 3
Motor to Gearbox adaptor (coupler)
Looking at the other end....
A - hole in mandrel for threaded rod "C"
B - bits made to hold everything square
C - the centre rod
Gearbox end sandwiched and ready for welding at "A"
A - welding needed here (another weld will be required for the boss/distance spacer - see next photograph)
B - junk spacer used to hold everything square
Another view - motor end
A - the alignment mandrel as seen from the motor end
B - the weld in boss (will be welded to "C")
C - the machined up distance spacer
All together and ready for the two welds
A and B - the spacers and rod to hold the unit together for welding
Welding Complete
Ready for a clean-up and milling of "flats" for speed sensor magnets