Preparing the Mighty Boy - Adding splash guards and shields.....

The original vent cover removed and fabricated "U" shaped brackets mounted......

(If the holes in the brackets are countersunk, the countersunk bolt heads will pull into the soft Ali leaving the fairly flat area   - see red arrow above and photo below)

Captive nut inserts have been used throughout this project - see the next page for more information

Polypropylene cover being measured up.....

And the holes being marked..... 

Original cover (now with brackets) back on motor for test fit.....

And the protective guard in place.....

(The assembly will now be taken apart, cleaned up and painted)

Why fit this?

1 - Helps to keep unwanted foreign objects from dropping into the brush holder area (un good....)

2 - Acts as a splash guard - these motor are designed for harsh conditions but prevention is better then cure.....

The front (see red arrow) of the motor (and the back) is still wide open for cooling airflow - The new mostly solid panel behind the grill will direct airflow to this area as well.....

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